Does anyone have opinion on shutting off their H/W heaters while they are at work for most of the day or away for the weekend? How long does it take to get a 40-50 gallon tank up to temperature again? Is there a marketable savings?


  1. Anyone thinking of replacing their boiler and staying for the long term really should look into a Weissman boiler and hot water system. I have one in rural Pennsylvania where I did a gut rehab. It basically has a computer onboard so that you can program the temperature of the hot water and the heating zones for any temperature, any time of the day. You can set it to different “down” modes when you are away and if you connect it to a phone line you can dial it up and tell it to turn on before you arrive.

  2. Bklynborn, which shower head do you have? I just started to research it. My husband turns it off while soaping up, but I don’t want to scorch/freeze myself.

  3. Even better would be to shut it off while you sleep. The water will stay hot for hours…or you could do it your way too. I have a country cabin, and I do that. I also turn off the shower while I soap up. I have a shower head with an off button, so I don’t have to find my perfect temp again.
    How much will you save? don’t know, but if everyone did that, we’d be burning a lot less fuel.