What were the terms of your 203k program? Did you go to Countrywide? A lot of lenders have stopped doing them. What were the details of your transaction? Purchase price? cost of renovations? How much did you put down? How many units?
I don’t mean to pry but I’m interested.
I’m using Darwin Berry as my consultant. Tel. 718 469 1130/ email darwinberry@channelrealty.com Usually,however, as I understood it, your FHA loan originator has someone they prefer to work with (that’s how I ended up with Darwin). Anyway, if they don’t, I think Darwin’s great. You can tell him you were referred by Raisa if you want.
What were the terms of your 203k program? Did you go to Countrywide? A lot of lenders have stopped doing them. What were the details of your transaction? Purchase price? cost of renovations? How much did you put down? How many units?
I don’t mean to pry but I’m interested.
very helpful, I appreciate the recommendation Raisa.
I’m using Darwin Berry as my consultant. Tel. 718 469 1130/ email darwinberry@channelrealty.com Usually,however, as I understood it, your FHA loan originator has someone they prefer to work with (that’s how I ended up with Darwin). Anyway, if they don’t, I think Darwin’s great. You can tell him you were referred by Raisa if you want.