My friend just told him someone broke into her house (without breaking the lock) and she happened to open her apartment door and see when he managed to escape. She was very shaken by this and I am now scared as well, as similarly to her I have a multiple-family brownstone on the edge of Park Slope.

What scares me the most is that some could easily break in without violent entry just by picking the lock. I want to make sure I do everything to avoid this situation. But I do not know where to start. Anyone has any recommendations? Should I get fake ADT signs? Should order a video camera? Is there a type of lock thats the most secure?

I would appreciate any pointers.

Thank you.


  1. This is good information, and I have a question along similar lines.

    (I’m not sure if I’m supposed to make another thread for this, however)

    I’m a renter. Should I talk to the Super or the Landlord if I don’t feel safe with the locks that are currently on my door?

  2. any lock is pickable.
    do a google search for mul-t-lock pick.
    a jimmy-proof deadbolt (vertical deadbolt) has been recommended to me by most locksmiths as the best inexpensive option. note that this lock only really works if you have a strong door and frame (preferably metal).

  3. mul-t-lock as suggested above! my landlord has it on our main door (i live on a multifamily brownstone as you do) and these locks are supposed to be impossible to pick. further, one can only make a copy of the key with the master card (my landlord keeps it, if we need a copy of the key we need to ask him to make it for us). on top of that, i’d also consider the ADT or similar system, it will give you HUGE peace of mind to have it…

  4. security service ie: ADT. you can have the doors and windows monitored even when inside the house. i think it’s a must. have had it in houses and apartments.

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