I had an interesting experience a couple of weekends ago. There were some people dressed in bright uniforms going around our block and knocking on every door persuading people to switch from ConEd and National Grid to an alternative energy provider MXEnergy. I did so on the spot, mostly without thinking and because I felt sorry for the kid who was try to sell the service on a insanely cold evening.

NOw that I am looking into this, I realized that they promised a little bit cheaper rate but only for two months and later it will be non-fixed. Plus, a cancellation fee is $150. It sounds like a typical bait-and-switch tactic. And I am now gearing up to call them up and try get out of the contract, but I dont know if I will be successful.

Has anyone used these guys? What’s people experience with this company? Do they indeed provide better rates than ConEd and NationalGrid? What people’s thought are in regards to switching from these large, stable known local companies?

Any pointers will be appreciated.

Thank you.



  1. Hello Morningstar; are you the kid with the white uniform?

    It took you less then 5 hours to respond to Arkady via this forum, since you work for the company and you seem to have plenty time to defend it.

    Perhaps you should use some of that time to help out Arkady now instead of Arkady having to wait 3 days for a reply.

    Now to Arkady, never allow a stranger into your house, especially if you are the type that can be lured into signing a contract by a kid dressed in bright uniform, someone whom you have never met before.

    Good luck,

  2. Fascinating to see that Morningstar and MXEnergy are right on top of their bad press, even in Brownstoner venue. See this previous Brownstoner thread and, of course, just google MXenergy for more info about customer complaints: http://bit.ly/cJ4WAg

  3. There is a long, long, LONG history of unscrupulous energy companies going from door to door in Brooklyn and using deceptive-to-illegal marketing scams to get people to switch their energy providers.

    I have no idea who MXenergy is, but an energy company that sends people door-to-door and has such high cancellation charges sets of warning bells.

    I believe you have a few days to cancel with no penalty after signing the contract. I’d call the New York State Public Service Commission ESCO Complaint line at 1-888-697-7728 to ask them how you should go about cancelling with no penalty. Calling the State Public Service Commission is also a good start to building a paper trail in case this company is actually unscrupulous. If they “lose” your cancellation, you can refer back to this call to an impartial third party.

    When you deal with MXenergy, I’d ask for everything documented in writing. I’d also send them certified letters after EVERY conversation, documenting the conversation (keep a copy of the letter for yourself).

    Again, I have no idea who these guys are. But energy company scams are huge in Brooklyn. I’d recommend you be vigilant about your energy bills for the next few months, and if you’re confused at all about them, give a call to the Public Service Commission and ask them what you should do.

  4. Indeed, impressive fast response. I just called MXEnergy Customer Service and got a message saying they are very busy with sign up and, therefore, are unavailable. They asked to leave my number and they would call in three days. I really hope they can keep their word as it is not very reassuring for a new customer to get such a message.

    I really hope i can resolve the issue.

    Since the representative is here, I would like to know what kind of rate I will get from the company after the two months? Will be worse or better than ConEd? Since the premise for switching was a better rate?

    Thank you.

  5. Hi,

    I work at MXenergy and just saw your comment. I thought I’d clarify a few things for you. I checked our pricing and the offer we currently have is a fixed rate as you suggest. It does turn into a variable rate after two months, which means the rate could change each month. But there is no $150 termination fee, so if you wanted to switch again you could with no penalties. You should receive a confirmation letter in the mail which will give you all of this information in writing. Or call our customer service number and tell them you if you have changed your mind. The toll free number is 1.800.785.4373.

    I do take issue to the comment from “vinca” about scamming. Our company has been in business for over 10 years and we try to be as clear as possible about our offers.

    Like most companies, there are those customers who have a complaint. We encourage people to call our customer service number when they are unhappy about something so we can make improvements. We address all customer complaints, usually within a day or two. You can’t stay in business for 10 years with a “bait and switch” business plan…it just doesn’t work and it’s not what we are all about.

    I hope this information has been helpful to you.