We have a very nice double wooden entrance door with large glass panes. I feel a little nervous about security – a well-placed hammer would break in rather easily. I’d like to get some decorative wrought iron panels installed to fit the windows inside, so that even of the glass is broken, the vandals can’t reach in and let themselves in. Ricardo the iron worker (recommended here) says he;s hapy to do it, but needs a design. Anyone know where I might find a website with some photos of such things? Or have a better idea? Many thanks!


  1. Oops! My first comment/question was for @flyingfish, not @Bob Marvin. Sorry about that – I was clearly not awake yet. Anyway, please let me know what solution you ended up with nonetheless.

  2. @Bob Marvin: I’m also about to move into a place with similar glass-paned doors and I share your concerns. What did you end up doing? Are you satisfied with your solution?

    @pattunia: I think many people who live in landmarked buildings opt for interior bars since you don’t have to get landmark approval (which I’m assuming is a pain in the butt).

  3. All of the two story houses built c. 1910 in Lefferts Manor by a company called Real Estate Associates were built with very handsome iron door guards. You might want to use those as a pattern. They’re on Lincoln Road, Maple Street, Midwood Street, and Rutland Road, for about 1/3rd of each block, east of Rogers Avenue.

    If you’d like a photograph of a typical one Email me at bmarvin[AT]plgarts[DOT]org