Is anyone going to salvage architectural stuff from the demo? Speaking as one who had a very hard time getting stuff to replace details…


  1. Good luck with that!

    I have friends living across from the footprint dealing with interrupted water and gas service (never with any warning or estimate of duration), demo workers ignoring asbestos containment procedures, construction work going on outside mandated work hours, traffic back-ups from 3:30pm to 8pm thanks to road closures. There is zero construction oversight. Either by ESDC (who can’t even get a construction staging schedule from FCR) or by our elected officials. FCR are giving a whole new definition to the word “cowboys”.

  2. Oh, and with all the hate he’s getting over the AY project, someone there should realize the media gold to be had with salvaging the details from the affected homes. Play up the p.r. angle when you contact them.

  3. Why not start up a petition to get the details salvaged? Perhaps you can recruit B’Stoner posters from various nabes to go around and get signatures. Maybe with a long list and some attention to it (perhaps Mr.B could give front page attention to your efforts) FCR would be amenable to your request.

  4. FCR has a wonderful record on creative re-use. I think they have reused the historic Ward Bakery as landfill in the bottom of a dump after they demolished that historic property.

  5. why don’t you call forest city and ask? altho hard to believe they,d let individuals poke around demo sites, but maybe they’d think more about it if the community asked