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Our back room on the garden level is an all-purpose room. Lots of books, kids’ playroom, small bar area (Ikea Akurum). Looks a mess. What should I do with it? I’ve vaccillated between getting built-ins (with window seat) or modern-y bookshelves. If I get built-ins, what color? I have an original stripped poplar mantel.
Our back room on the garden level is an all-purpose room. Lots of books, kids’ playroom, small bar area (Ikea Akurum). Looks a mess. What should I do with it? I’ve vaccillated between getting built-ins (with window seat) or modern-y bookshelves. If I get built-ins, what color? I have an original stripped poplar mantel.
Get built-ins with storage at the bottom.
Maybe consult with a designer or just have a think about what you want to use the room for, best storage solutions, need for furniture to support purpose of room, how you want the look or style of the room to “feel.”
Re colors, so much depends on what mood you want to create, the existing light in the room, and your own color preferences. You could start by going through the clothes you own and picking out colors you like and trying them out in the room to see if they will match the mantel and the mood of the room.
Don’t forget good lighting.
Sounds like fun!
Originally a kitchen, garden floor, 8′ ceilings.
Was this originally a kitchen or a family room-dining room?
Built-ins with window seat sounds very pretty. You could paint it.
Maybe consult with an interior designer on storage solutions?