Renovating basement and discovered a termite-infested beam and some posts. A lot of damage to the beam (flaking wood). Who should I call to replace? As far as treating the termites, have a contract with Terminix but am getting the feeling they aren’t going to be much help. Just want to focus on the repair right now.


  1. My recent experience with Terminix is that they SUCK. I had a contract with them, they sent me notices that they’d come to switch out bait stations when clearly they had not (they lie) and it was IMPOSSIBLE to get through to them to come out and treat our active termite swarming in any effective way. I suggest trying to find an alternative – and when you do, please post it here.

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  3. Terminex is coming by too. We will try to get them to do it. But some of the damage is old (before contract). We inherited the contract when we bought the house. I have heard they will put up a big fight before they pay up. Just need to get it fixed fast.

  4. agree with dave. if you have a contract with terminix, you should be contacting them. they should be the ones fixing your beams or at least be paying for the replacement. you probbly want the latter so that you have more control over timing and
    who actually does the repair etc