We are moving and must hire movers. We don’t have bed bugs and don’t want to get them.
When I ask, even the most reputable movers answer with “bedbugs? well, we’ve never had them!”

Is that an adequate answer? What would you do to find a move that will guarantee that their trucks are bug free?

I plan to wrap furniture.



  1. I’ve worked at a reputable Moving company for many years (many years ago)
    Most companies are good in spraying out their trucks for roaches so I am sure now that Bedbugs are out of control, they are probably scouring their trucks and spraying the inside for them too. Remember movers are people too – they don’t want your bedbugs or roaches so most of them are actually good people with brains who can see when your mattress is crawling with them and they will be the first to call the office during a move to report a client to have bedbugs and then of course it gets sticky as then they will refuse to move that person etc etc
    ANYWAY…. sorry – just inspect the truck when the movers come and inspect the blankets they bring to wrap up your goods
    Good luck!

  2. Bed bug survivor here: I think it’s fine if you want to have the place inspected before you move in (just keep in mind that those dogs give false positives and false negatives all the time–they’re just terribly overworked in this market) but I think being so paranoid about getting them from the moving truck that you wrap your boxes in plastic is going too far. As others have mentioned, they’re everywhere and moving trucks are the least of your worries. (Besides, they don’t really like to hang out in places like cars or trucks.) I’ll admit that when you’re going through an infestation, it feels like the end of the world and that your life is complete shit. But you will totally survive the experience and actually be a better person for it. Honestly.

  3. I think they have to wrap mattresses into plastic wrap by law. If they do not do it for your bed – they did not do it for somebody before you who had BB on their mattress. Stay away from such movers.

  4. The only way to be 100% sure about bedbugs is to burn all your belongings.

    Once this is done, burn down the truck.

    Then burn down your new apartment.

    I know this will create some minor hassles, but you can be sure you won’t have any bedbugs.

  5. I was concerned about getting bed bugs from moving, as well as the possibility that they would already be in the apartment I had just bought and was moving into. As part of the pre-purchase inspection, I had a bed bug dog come to inspect, and he alerted to the presence of bed bugs.

    I had received documentation that the apartment had been treated and that all of the bugs were gone, but I wanted to be 100% sure. I wound up having a bed bug dog come to the apartment a couple of hours after the movers left so that I could be sure I did not have them from either the moving van or the apartment itself. For me, the $500 was worth of piece of mind.