There is a sewage smell in our basement but doesn’t appear to come from the clean/out backflow valve area in floor. Guess there could be a leak in the line. Anyway to tell if the smell is sewage or dead mouse? No smell in the bathroom so not coming from there.


  1. do you have floor drains in your basement? could be that the trap has dried out and is letting in sewer gasses. Just pour a bucket of water into the drain.

  2. Go to a Health Food Store. Buy peppermint oil; the kind used for aromatherapy and massages.
    Take the unopened bottle to the roof (don’t open it and get the smell in the house or on you), mix a couple ounces in a bucket, and pour it down the plumbing vent stack. If you get any of it on yourself, you are officially disqualified from the rest of the procedure.

    Walk around the house sniffing for peppermint. If you smell it in the house, you’ve got a wasteline/vent break.

    This works every time and is called a “peppermint test”. It’s actually a question on the licensing exam.