Looking For Wooden Canopy
Hi, We are restoring what was an old clapboard house and are trying to find a wooden canopy sort of like the one in the photo for above the front door. It seems like all the ones on the internet are only available in the UK! Does anyone have an idea where we could get…
We are restoring what was an old clapboard house and are trying to find a wooden canopy sort of like the one in the photo for above the front door. It seems like all the ones on the internet are only available in the UK! Does anyone have an idea where we could get one of these either new (made of wood) or salvaged?
Thanks so much!
Call Mike Sheehan, he’s done this work in the slope before..
Thanks for the recommendations!
And yeah–I don’t know about that little shed–found the image on google–but…weird!
How do you get up to that front door? Is that little shed a lift?
Pretty common in the South Slope. The tricky part is getting the proportions just right. I think T&A does this work all the time.
Slope Woodworks and T&A Carpentry do this kind of thing all the time. I’ve also seen a bunch of houses on 17th and 6 recently outfitted with PVC versions of this kind of thing. You might also consider doing it at a portico with column supports so it doesn’t sag over time.
BoD is right. it’s an easy fabrication. The brackets are available online from a few different places.
Yes, I think you may be right…but unfortunately time is a bit of a factor. Does anyone have any reco’s for someone who might want to tackle this?
this is the kind of thing that you can hire a good carpenter for to design/build you a replica piece.