Please bear with me on this very newbie question: what is the best way to find out about newly listed townhouses in Brooklyn? I have been checking the NYT and bigger sites, but I always feel as though I’m missing something, particularly when I poke around the smaller brokers’ sites. Are there a handful I should be checking daily, eg? Is there any way to feel certain you’re seeing everything short of checking every brokers’ site? Thanks for any insight.


  1. Try a MLS (multi listing service) like or – ZIP is also great on iphone / ipod touch because it allows you to search on the map.

  2. Thanks, everyone. To be clear, you mean contact selling brokers in hopes that they will keep you in mind going forward? Does that put you at any disadvantage if it is listed by someone other than the one you’ve contacted? Also, I should have noted that favored nabes are PS, CH, CG, FG.

  3. Brokelin and Snezan are absolutely right, and to their good advice I’d add first figure out the specific neighborhood(s) you want then research which brokers specialize in those neighborhoods. If they live in that neighborhood themselves, even better. They’ll know which houses are being listed soon even if they themselves don’t have the listings.

  4. brokelin’s comment is the best way..
    also start a relationship with a buyer’s agent at a firm that has access to listings… get to know them… it can be one of the showers at an open house and they will call you as soon as listings hit the market.

  5. I found this frustrating when looking for apartments. What worked for me was going to see what smaller bokers had to show, and letting@ them know what I was looking for. Then one called me when the apt I bought came on market, before open house was held even. So I went to the first open house, was first to make offer.