Trying to find crown molding in tin to match an existing tin ceiling. Any recommendations about where to look?


  1. Didn’t AA.Abington go out of business? They were always my ‘go-to’ source when period detail was a hobby and some times a job.

  2. lincolnlime,

    How often do you go to Standard? I have been a customer for the last 18 years and have never had a problem with their pricing.

    if you have found them charging more than a price you have found on-line I would not consider that a “rip-off”

    On a side note – your unlined chimney could be leaking carbon monoxide into your home, fwiw.

  3. Standard Tinsmith is Bushwick is a rip-off. I’ve caught the owner trying to cheat me out of anywhere between $5-$50 every time I go there. Obviously, I only go there when absolutely necessary and have been ordering online more.

  4. Brooklander, is the place you’re thinking of called “Moulding Classics Plus”? I found it on Google street view, and it looks like it could be right. All the directories on the internet just say “crown molding”, without much other info.

    Moulding Classics Plus
    6913 New Utrecht Avenue
    NY 11228-1809
    (718) 236-3566

  5. There are a lot of options available online! American Tin Ceilings is great, but if you want an exact match it could take lots of searching, and many great old patterns have never been reproduced. Search for whatever is closest to what you have. Other suppliers online are:

    VanDyke Restorers:

    The Tin Man:

    The Original Tin Ceiling Company:

    You may see some of these offer just standard patterns. It might be helpful to be able to send a detail photo with dimensions of the existing cornice to see what they think is a match. If you do go to some of the local places it would help you tremendously if you have a scrap of the old cornice to match. I’m not familiar with the stores suggested by pig three or Brooklander, but they sound like they’re worth a visit!

  6. I don’t remember the name of the company (sorry); but I can tell you where they are.

    In Brooklyn, under New Utrecht elevated, opposite the Solco Plumbing warehouse (69th-70th Str) is a wonderful little store. They have a really great selection of tin designs for both the flat ceiling and the edgings.

    You can always call Solco to get the name of that business (718 259 8010). They are worth the call…