hey all… can anyone recommend a land surveyor who offers expedited title surveys? the bigger shops I’ve spoken to have 2 week lead times and I’m trying to hold onto a closing date that I have scheduled for next thursday. any input/rec’s would be greatly appreciated!

(I put this in the zoning category bc I can’t find one that actually fits)


  1. 3-4 days from ordering to delivery of finished survey? I’ve got to start pressuring them a little. They’re great to work with and the prices are very good, but lately it’s been more like a few days to a week to schedule the appointment, then another few days to a week for delivery of the actual survey.

  2. We always recommend Boro Land Surveying, although a turn around time of less than two weeks is asking a lot. They might be able to do it if you ask them real nice.

    Boro Land Surveying
    718 624-5500

    Jim Hill, RA, LEED AP
    Urban Pioneering Architecture