Hi all,

I was wondering if folks had any advice on coming up with options for putting a roof deck on a large coop…

We are in Bay Ridge. Going to need to do something to (a) minimize noise that folks would hear on top floor and (b) have some kind of fencing as the roof is relatively unprotected in terms of someone falling off

Any and all advice appreciated!


  1. Hey sirk98 – I recently moved into a co-op on Shore Road and am interested in a roof deck for my building as well. I find it hard to believe that none of the buildings on Shore Road have a deck – it seems like a location that calls out for one! I anticipate a challenge convincing fellow shareholders to undertake the project but I think it would be worth is. I’m interested in hearing more about your experience. Where are you in the Ridge?

  2. My company installs polymer-modified bitumen pads for our Modular Roof Top Deck system, if you would like to minimize noise thicker pads are advisable, that is what we have done in the past and that is what I would recommend, with regard to the fencing you would need to have no less than 42″ height railing or fence, it can be solid fencing or standard railing.

    feel free to visit our site to get some ideas and to see our photo gallery of Roof Top Decks http://www.citydecksny.com

    if you have further questions feel free to contact us with any other questions you may need assistance with
    (800) 659-5834

    we specialize in Roof Top Decks & Gardens