Hey folks,

Some neighbors and I are looking for someone who can shovel our walks if it snows and we can’t. Some neighbors might be happy to pay the person to shovel every time it snows.

We’re in brownstones in Park Slope near Dizzy’s on 9th St (for a vague location). Anybody have someone who does this for you or your building? I’d love a recommendation from someone who uses the person they are recommending.

Maybe you’re in a multi-unit building and have someone who does this kind of stuff and could send them my way.

Thanks for any help.


  1. We were out of town when the snow storm hit and called Services 4 Hire the day before the storm. We were totally impressed with the job they did. Everything was well shoveled and salted. I was amazed they even made it out to our place in Bed Stuy given the road conditions. They don’t have a webpage, just this ad on ebay but they are totally legit and do great work at what seems like a reasonable price.


    Hope that helps.