Any Good Accountants in Park Slope Area?
For years I have used my family accountants outside of NYC, but now that I am proud building owner with tenants I believe I would rather use an accountant more knowledgeable about NYC taxes. Do any other property owners have a good one in Brooklyn or the city they would like to recommend. Thank you…
For years I have used my family accountants outside of NYC, but now that I am proud building owner with tenants I believe I would rather use an accountant more knowledgeable about NYC taxes. Do any other property owners have a good one in Brooklyn or the city they would like to recommend.
Thank you very much.
Try Harvey Krauss he’s on 8th Avenue in Park Slope.
Tell him Richard Rosario sent you. He’s a good guy and is very straight forward.
Harvey M. Kraus Tax and Accounting
1018 8th Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11215
(718) 788-1972
don’t think knowledge of ‘NYC taxes’ is anything special. Just have to know rental income/depreciation, etc.
There is no separate NYC tax form….just NYState – and if resident of NYC – your city taxes are on that form.
btw when you meet an account ask them if they know what the “heart taxation” act is, this will let you know if they are up to date with the latest tax issues around capital gains.