Good Waterproofing Company
We’ve been having an issue with water in our basement and are wondering who people use for waterproofing issues. We’ve had a mason look at it and a plumber, but feel like we need someone who can look at the whole picture. Or maybe just a mason who specializes, or a plumbing co. that’s particularly…
We’ve been having an issue with water in our basement and are wondering who people use for waterproofing issues. We’ve had a mason look at it and a plumber, but feel like we need someone who can look at the whole picture. Or maybe just a mason who specializes, or a plumbing co. that’s particularly good with this stuff (water coming through a seam in the front foundation wall – we want to repair it but also locate the source) Thanks!
Thanks everybody – all your comments much appreciated.
It is best to keep the water out of your basement in the first place with an exterior waterproofing membrane and foundation drain. This is a wonderful website from a drainage engineer in New Jersey that shows photos of how it is done.
There are multiple sources of where the water can come from. I had a similar issue once when I had no idea where the water was coming from. I hired High-Tech and they found the source and fixed the problem. I would highly recommend them 1347-792-1266. They did great waterproofing work in my house.
We have done several waterproofing projects recently and all have a unique set of circumstances, so there is not a clear answer without seeing it. But generally, we do a multi-layer waterproofing system on the foundation wall. We’d be happy to speak with you to review options in your case. contact us at
We have done several waterproofing projects recently and all have a unique set of circumstances, so there is not a clear answer without seeing it. But generally, we do a multi-layer waterproofing system on the foundation wall. We’d be happy to speak with you to review options in your case. contact us at
I agree with bloostoner as far as a general fix, however to ensure the crack is sealed – once the excavation to the bottom of footing is exposed and the wall has been cleaned, open the crack and fill with hydraulic cement this is a water stopping material most common and effective. then at which point apply foundation coating 2 to 3 ft past the crack left side right side, and lay a 15 lb felt paper upon the tar from grade level to bottom of footing. Apply anotther coat of foundation coating upon the paper – and backfill. Choice can be gravel, and or dirt. Gravel is best because then u have a drywell as the water enters ground it disperses through the stones as opposed to absorb into the dirt. though its just an extra precaution we haven’t yet had an issue with this procedure in past years . Most recently we did 2 of these projects, and the water has stopped. as of past couple rains we have had. If you would like to know more 347 307 4725
Most likely The foundation walls need waterproofing from outside.It does not matter you have a garden in the front or not if foundation wall crackes that might happen any side of the basement.Digout down to the footing,clean wall, repair and using basement foundation wall waterproofing materials with membrance(There is some special brands).Also a france drain installation will be better idea.We did some of this kind waterproofing.we also planing to do another in parkslope.You can get a free estimate by calling M.Hamid Construction Co At 718-633-1500.
Apply waterproofing from the outside or install a french drain. GC does the first or a plumber the second.
Or put in a french drain. I’d try that first – it’s cheap & not disruptive. If it works you’re home free.