Does anyone know how to get the plaster/stucco/stone look featured in the picture? Not quite sure the material they used.


  1. JMT, I know exactly who can do this for you! Francesco just did venetian plaster in my apartment on Irving Place. I can send you a picture. He is able to do other decorative painting effects as well. Call him for a quote at 347-924-7182 or He’s really easy to work with; highly professional and competent.

  2. We were renovating our brownstone. This was a little tricky since we wanted to achieve an old look that would blend in with the neighborhood and we wanted to save money. We were directed to Anthony from A&A Innovative. He showed us photos of previous works, amazing… faux stones and brick works it was really interesting. We were a little reluctant to use him until we contacted his references. We did ask him to renovate our brownstone and after completion, we were breathless. He was able to achieve exactly what we had anticipated and hoped for. If you are interested in recreating the above stone wall, I would recommend Anthony, 347 307 4725. His faux technique is cost effective and he is able to achieve any original design, be it stone, brick, brownstone, etc.

  3. I know a great mason that specializes in faux re-designs. He actually did my kitchen walls and ceiling. The ceiling is 3 tier with marble and granite look, the walls have faux grape vines and vases all over. I was going for a Tuscany kitchen style and he made it, wow. If you are interested in viewing what he accomplished, email me at Please contact Anthony, from A&A Innovative. 347-307-4725. He is reasonable, clean and very creative.

  4. I guess the pic isn’t too clear. It is stone that they have applied some sort of plaster or stucco over so that only part of the stone appears. I have stone walls in my basement but am wondering how to achieve a look similar to what is in the picture. It just looks a little cleaner and nicer than what I have now which is basically just stone with some mortar.

  5. I can’t see too well, as I am posting from an iPhone, but this appears to be an actual stone wall with plaster or some kind of limewash or whitewash. We have similar walls in our basement (although much messier and dirtier).

    But short of building a stone wall, I would think your best option would be a faux painted, trompe l’oeil wall.

    Are you in a brownstone? Personally I think it’s not terribly appropriate to a brownstone. This is more of an English country look.

  6. Stucco is of course different from a plaster/marble/stone “look.” Stucco is usually applied with a heavier trowel and is usually “sanded” I suspect what you are referring to is what’s called “Venetian plaster” or other forms of decorative plaster applications to look like faux stone. Google “venetian plaster” and see if that yields what you are looking for.