I would like to have cleaning lady who are reliable, punctual and doing good job! please rec your favorite lady and brief description and hourly rate. Thank you!


  1. My cleaning lady is the best. Her name is Karlene, she’s from the West Indies (been here forever) and does a great job. She’s been working for us for about 5 years and we have never had a problem. Has our keys etc….we supply the cleaning materials, she spends a day here cleaning our 3 story house and we pay her $150. She can be reached at: (347) 731-2588.

  2. I’m recommending my current cleaning lady for my 3 story brownstone rental. Her name is Eloisa, she’s from Ecuador and is extremely detailed and hard working. She can be reached at 718-781-9904 (this is her husband’s cell – he arranges her appointments). I supply all the cleaning materials. I usually pay her $120 for a full day.

    Allan S.

  3. try Clever cleaning solutions, speak with Richard, (917) 520-5093. Tell him AL sent the Rec… He does all of my Post Construction Cleanups and Building Maintenance on property I own…