Water Meter?
Hi, We are just about done renovating and it has come to our attention that the house doesn’t have a water meter. I called DEP and they say that they no longer install them. I called the contractor and they say they’re not licensed to put one in. Has anyone had any experience with having…
We are just about done renovating and it has come to our attention that the house doesn’t have a water meter. I called DEP and they say that they no longer install them. I called the contractor and they say they’re not licensed to put one in.
Has anyone had any experience with having one put in?–Who does it? Where do you get it? What does it cost?
I’m afraid since it’s technically a 2 family (although it will only be used as a one-family) that if they do an estimated reading based on bathrooms, etc, that we’ll get reamed.
Thanks for any and all advice!!
My house doesn’t have a meter either; it was stolen while the house was empty a few years back. Apparnetly they get taken out for the value of the copper pipe. The previous sellers arranged for DEP to install a new one. Someone from DEP is coming Monday. I will report back if it’s a contractor.
Thanks BB. I called 311 but unfortunately the only number they could give me was a place that installs the digital readers…you already have to have a meter.
Apparently the only way to get one is through a private company. I called 2 through google…waiting for estimates…
Sk: Huh?
water meter is a good device to measure the quantity of the water being supplied to the house. If two families are living together , then The water meter is must to get the reading of the two different houses. I attended a seminar on the
Options Trading in Florida. After the seminar, i discussed the water meter issue with my my friends.
Call 311. They should be able to give you information. DEP has a contractor installing new water meters that will enable remote readings. I got a post card a few months ago in the mail about it.