I am the landlord of a 2 bedroom rental in a brownstone. Fully renovated exposed brick walls etc. I have a potential tenant that is a single mom very young 22yrs old. Have No credit history, get paid off book by hair salon. Willing to pay 6 months or full year rent upfront? Would you guys do it? (previous tenant put me through hell).


  1. @Pstreet

    You have nice job, own apartments and can hire someone to assemble your Ikea bookshelves.

    Why would you call a cheat and an outsider a 22 years old single mom you hardly know anything about?

  2. If your apartment is in a desirable location and an offer from a no declared income tenant is the only one, maybe you are asking too much?

    If you don’t like what you got so far, you can lower the price and attract more conventional applicants.

    If you like this person and decide to take the current offer, as noted above there are ways to protect yourself:

    – ask for a guarantor.
    or, if the guarantor is not an option,
    – get a 6 to 9 months security deposit.

    Finally, about credit history: for someone who lived in the US all his life, not having any history at age 22 is not necessarily a bad thing. Did the agent pull a report that had “no history” or the no history has other reasons?

    good luck

  3. Taking a risk on this tax cheat is preventing a nice person from having a nice apartment.

    The city is losing money because of the census. Too many people are living under the radar. Join society, pay taxes, enjoy being a citizen.

  4. Unfortunately, anytime you rent, you are opening yourself up to the possibility that things will go sour. The one and only time I advertised my co-op for rent in the New York Times, I got an Ivy League Grad who turned out to be a dead beat who was three month’s behind on the rent when he OD’ed in the apartment. His family removed all of the built in closet systems when they took his stuff, but left the two feet of trash on the floor. Rented to a friend’s brother, got stiffed for a months rent. Three or four ads in the Village Voice (pre-craigslist), never a problem.
    A years rent isn’t going to be enough to buy a house. What are we talking, maybe 36K? If I were soft hearted and soft headed, and wanted to cut her a break, I’d go with Curiosity’s suggestion. Pretty slick solution if you ask me.

  5. “The City Human Rights Law protects residents of most types of housing in New York City against discrimination. If you reside in an apartment building or multiple family dwelling, co-op, condominium, government-assisted housing, or residential hotel, you are covered under the Law. The Law does not extend to residents of two-family houses if the owner or a member of the owner’s family resides in one of the housing accommodations and the available housing accommodation was not advertised. In addition, you are not covered by the Law if you rent a room or rooms in non-government assisted housing where the owner resides.

    It is unlawful for landlords, superintendents, building managers, condominium owners, cooperative owners and boards to discriminate in the sale, rental or lease of a housing accommodation or in the provision of services and facilities because of a person’s actual or perceived race, color, national origin, gender (including gender identity), disability, sexual orientation, creed, marital status, partnership status, alienage or citizenship status, any lawful source of income, age, lawful occupation, or because children are or may be residing with the person.”

  6. “You are not allowed to consider her gender, age, family status or race” I thought if it was your own house that you actually lived in you could not rent to anyone you pleased. Plus, I don’t think the government can read our minds yet.

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