Hi, I just moved to Carroll Gardens.

I have been searching online (incl this site) for the closest parking garage but am coming up pretty empty in the surrounding areas…

Does anybody have any ideas? Any/all suggestions would be appreciated 🙂


  1. as first poster said, there’s a couple of garages on the other side of the BQE off columbia. those are probably closest.

    I parked a car on the street on luquer without too much trouble a few years ago fwiw.

  2. The Sackett Street garage offers monthly rentals however they may keep you in an outside lot. My car was there and was damaged by a falling tree. They replaced the side-view mirror, which had been sliced off. Isn’t a fatal issue in my book – I kept my car there for some months after until I could no longer afford it – but it’s something to be aware of.

  3. There’s not going to be much in garages in CG. You’d probably have to go up to Atlantic if you wanted to find a garage. If you’re just looking for an off street parking space you’ll have better luck with small lots around the neighborhood, that’s how I found mine.

  4. True garages are few and far between in CG. I would think there would be some open lots near the harbor piers, but I could be wrong about that. You might want to check on the east side of the canal as well.

    If you are willing to trek up to downtown brooklyn, a fair number of the new buildings have underground garages, and the prices seem to have come down to the just north of $200 a month in that area.

  5. There is a parking garage on Sackett St. off of Columbia St. Also, there are several lots on that side of the BQE that look like they are for rented for parking.