Parking Garage?
Hi, I just moved to Carroll Gardens. I have been searching online (incl this site) for the closest parking garage but am coming up pretty empty in the surrounding areas… Does anybody have any ideas? Any/all suggestions would be appreciated 🙂
Hi, I just moved to Carroll Gardens.
I have been searching online (incl this site) for the closest parking garage but am coming up pretty empty in the surrounding areas…
Does anybody have any ideas? Any/all suggestions would be appreciated 🙂
thanks all, will let you know what i find.
as first poster said, there’s a couple of garages on the other side of the BQE off columbia. those are probably closest.
I parked a car on the street on luquer without too much trouble a few years ago fwiw.
“There’s one on Pacific between Court and Clinton.”
This is The Parking Club, and they are $300+.
The Sackett Street garage offers monthly rentals however they may keep you in an outside lot. My car was there and was damaged by a falling tree. They replaced the side-view mirror, which had been sliced off. Isn’t a fatal issue in my book – I kept my car there for some months after until I could no longer afford it – but it’s something to be aware of.
There’s not going to be much in garages in CG. You’d probably have to go up to Atlantic if you wanted to find a garage. If you’re just looking for an off street parking space you’ll have better luck with small lots around the neighborhood, that’s how I found mine.
There are locked parking lots on Hoyt around President but I don’t have any contact info.
There’s one on Pacific between Court and Clinton. All I can say about it is that I parked there one time.
True garages are few and far between in CG. I would think there would be some open lots near the harbor piers, but I could be wrong about that. You might want to check on the east side of the canal as well.
If you are willing to trek up to downtown brooklyn, a fair number of the new buildings have underground garages, and the prices seem to have come down to the just north of $200 a month in that area.
There is a parking garage on Sackett St. off of Columbia St. Also, there are several lots on that side of the BQE that look like they are for rented for parking.