Can anyone suggest good pivot hinges for a 30×96 door?


  1. You will need to consider the weight of each door – keep that in mind when you shop for them. If very tall and heavy you may also need intermediate hinges. The only company I know that makes those is RIXON. My understanding is rixon makes the best, but I’ve used other brands (deltana comes to mind) with good results. Good luck.

  2. I agree with Jim, Colonial Hinges makes a very good hinge that I have used. And the non mortise hinges Mike K speaks of will still show the hinge pin on one side of the door, there is none with the pivot hinges.

  3. The best hinges you can get is so cold non-mortise hinge, you do not need to cut for them and they available on ball bearing hinges, so no lubrication needed. You can buy at 1973 65th street, web: no hinges on the website, but they do sell interior doors and hinges. Good luck