Steam bath
I was thinking to put a steam generator in my new shower, does anyone have one of those? any suggestions,you know any store in the city who sell this items? Thank you
I was thinking to put a steam generator in my new shower, does anyone have one of those? any suggestions,you know any store in the city who sell this items? Thank you
we also have a steamist and really enjoy it. yes to waterproofing and tiling the entire bathroom – ceiling included. it does generate allot of moisture and you should have a fan, window to let the moisture out. we also use these scented oils – mint, etc to create a aromatheraphy experience. it is wonderful in the winter to control your colds. enjoy!
Thanks for the replay, the bathroom still under construction, we just pass the first inspection last friday. Beside the floor we will waterproof the side walls, we didn’t think about slope the ceiling (thanks Jock..) It’s just that since it’s a new addition, i would like to buy it right away (tomorrow!) so I can have the spec. to give to the plumber & constructor asp
I would first do all of the legwork on finding a competent contractor to construct the shower properly and someone to install the unit before I was worried about what unit to purchase. Also, the installer you choose would probably be able to point you in the right direction on what and where to purchase a good steam unit.
if you didn’t waterproof your new shower on all sides (bottom, walls, ceiling) forget about adding a steam shower – your walls will mold/fall apart before you can enjoy your steam shower….
I recommend these to my cleints all the time. Well worth the money. I have a Steamist, but there are others such as Mr. Steam. Go to the web site, input your zip and it will tell you who is nearby to order from. Make sure you slope the ceiling as per manuf. specs or you will be rained on by cold water.