Which New Toilet?
Our toilet tank is leaking. We could repair it or put in a new toilet, will cost about the same. We’re debating between new and salvage. Anyone have experience with salvage or have a new toilet to recommend? Our tiny bathroom was originally meant to hold a toilet like the one pictured. The tank is…
Our toilet tank is leaking. We could repair it or put in a new toilet, will cost about the same. We’re debating between new and salvage. Anyone have experience with salvage or have a new toilet to recommend?
Our tiny bathroom was originally meant to hold a toilet like the one pictured. The tank is on the wall, a few inches higher than the seat. Modern tanks rest directly on the seat. I think that extra inch of space will make our bathroom seem bigger, believe it or not. Anyway, I like the old look. Any suggestions?
can’t you just buy the tank from DEA if that’s the trouble spot? I thought I saw porcelain tanks at around $250.
Well, the plumbers fixed our leaking toilet this morning. So now we have time to save up for that new-old salvage toilet that’s going to cost $1,000 plus shipping. Hopefully at those prices they use a solid gold liner inside the tank.
I agree your space will look bigger with a bit of visible wall in between the tank and the bowl – in fact you could consider having the tank further up, that will visually free up the wall even more. I think this is called “high tank.” If you like the look of the wooden case you could probably have “any” tank and have a carpenter make a box for it.
DEA – very funny!
a thousand dollars for a toilet!? Yikes!
I’m really impressed that Rob didn’t weigh in on a toilet thread. I thought this was his expertise?
Wow, thanks everyone, this is very helpful. Laughing about Flushing Ave. Re DEA, the toilet pictured is from them. They’re about $1,000 not including shipping.
25 plus something years ago I put a salvage toilet in each of 2 full baths (one that’s a rental) that to date have never needed plunging (and I was very entertained that I purchased them on Flushing Ave).
I owned a plunger that never came out of the cellar until I added a powder room 5 years ago and put in a Toto. That Toto needs plunging (and not talking really big stuff in there) about 2x/year on average. And that’s with being cautious and flushing frequently.
I’m not sure they still make toilets with the exposed pipe between tank and bowl (which my vintage ones have).
When it comes to toilets, I would only so with a new one. It’s not something that you can swap out in a minute, like a dresser. A good modern toilet, such as a Toto, works great, is dependable, and is not that much money. While they may not make a toilet just like this, you can probably find something you could easily live with. Their website shows lots of models.
Caroma makes nice looking toilets sort of similar to what you have currently. Plus, dual flush http://www.caromausa.com/products/index/cu_product_category2.php
DEA Bath in California (DEAbath.com). They sell reproduction tanks, as well as all the other pieces, and also have an inventory of old ones. I’d replace the tank with a new reproduction or an antique or repro porcelain one, given the unlikelihood of finding a truly leak-free wood tank that is 100 years old. They are a small store and are helpful on the phone with any questions.
I have two toilets of this vintage in my house (original) though with really cool ceramic tanks and I love them. There are ways you can get them to use less water, though of course then they don’t flush as effectively.