lm looking to purchase a dual condensing boiler for space reasons.
Its a 1bdr with 1 bath ( no bathtub only shower) kitchen and laundry room.
I’ve been suggested several brands and models:
Embassy onex, Rinnai, Bosch, Triangle tube excellence. There are so many out there. Would anyone recommend one over the other?
I was thinking the Embassy Onex as it is cheaper but also want a good machine.
Any recommendations?


  1. Don’t buy it on your own. Let your plumber purchase it as part of the quote you are given. Your installer has recourse through the wholesaler should there be a warranty related problem.

  2. I second master plumber on if you’re talking about a true dual-use boiler or a tankless heater with heat exchanger or storage tank rigged up to it (in which case you will loose most of the space saving benefits). I mention this because when I looked into the matter there were only a few brands with true dual-use on the market in the US (a dual-use will heat both your domestic hot water and heating water, but keep them on separate loops for sanitary/code purposes.) When I researched a few years ago the choices were (in order of cost): Viessman, Buderus, Triangle Tube and Quietside.

    I’ve actually had some real world experience with these types of boilers. First was an East Village apartment I had and the other is a house I’ve been building in upstate NY. The experience has been great in both instances and I can’t imagine doing anything different in the future. The only concern I might have is with what type of heating element you’re using. These are generally more efficient with radiant floor heat that requires a lower circulating temperature. However, in my EV place I had baseboard heat and I had no problem heating the place and saw my gas and electric bills go down substantially (in the neighborhood of 40% combined.)

    In terms of which brand, I went with Quietside in both cases. For the EV, it was because it was the only one available on the market at the time (six or seven years ago). When I looked into it for upstate (two years ago) there were more choices. If your a “mechanicals pervert”, you will drool over the VIessman and Buderus. These are expensive, though, and probably more boiler than you need for your application. Triangle Tube was recommended and well reviewed, and was a good bit less than the Mercedes class boilers. Though, in the end I went with Quietside because they were dirt cheap and I could buy it myself (difficult to get the V & B if you aren’t a licensed heating contractor and I did my own plumbing.) There were some complaints as to quality on message boards when I bought the QS, but the line had also been upgraded and it was too soon to tell how the revamped line would hold up. My logic is I feel pretty confidant I’ll be able to get at least five years of life out of it and will then be able to satisfy my urges and afford the Viessman and spend the next 20 years gazing at it in my mechanical room.

    Two caveats for you. First, look at how your planning on venting and the specs. The one thing that has given me trouble is these throw off a lot of condensation that has led to ice build-up where it leaves the vent. It’s been enough of a problem for me that I’m considering extending the vent run in hopes that more of the vapor will condense back to water in the vent, or running it vertically through the roof, though, would like to avoid making a roof penetration (any thoughts, MP?) Second caveat, is some people complain about tripping domestic hot water. The boiler is activated by a flow sensor and some people complain if you don’t make a demand for full flow the boiler does not go on. I haven’t had this problem, but really can’t think of an instance where I’m looking for a trickle of hot water. On the plus side, it is true that you can get endless hot water.

  3. OK will probably go with Triangle tube!
    By any chance if anyone knows, are online vendors reliable? i found one that is cheaper than others and was thinking of buying it online .
    www. ecoheats.com

  4. Assuming that by “dual” you mean combination heat and hot water, I’ve installed all those you’ve mentioned and the Triangle Tube is the best of that bunch.

    That said, there’s really nothing wrong with the Onex and for it’s price, I think it’s a smart purchase.

    Though if I were planning to spend the rest of my life with a boiler, I’d want it to be the Triangle Tube.


  5. depends on your budget really. Baxi is very good if installed by a certified technician. in reality every boiler is only as good as the person who installs it. make sure you have a qualified installer and you won’t have a problem.

    go for quality over price

  6. You need to have a heat load calc done for proper sizing. It sounds like a very small heating load. I would prefer the Triangle Tube myself if it fits the applications.