Looking to do a patch and paint on our brownstone. Not sure what a reasonable quote should be – just received one for $14k – seemed high to me but not sure


  1. You better get at least 2 more proposal so you can compare there price and work description.Call M.Hamid Construction Co at 718-633-1500.for free estimate.you cna take a look another job done by them.

  2. I think rebrownstoning a facade costs even more than $14K – it is very expensive.

    If you are just patching (which is a decent alternative, given the exhorbitant cost of redoing the whole facade, which granted, does get you a better looking result), make sure you hire someone who takes care to make it look as good as it can.

    Get references for houses they’ve done. Make the calls to find out how happy others were with the work. Then go look at those facades. When my coop got some bids, I went and looked at buildings, and some were so patchy and ugly, I’d never hire those who did that. Other facades you see around are also patched, but patched more carefully.

    Of course, I’d also get bids for rebrownstoning, to compare and consider whether it is worth doing that and being done with it for a long while.

  3. I’m concerned about the “slurry coat.” Typically brownstones are either repainted or re-brownstoned. the latter involves far more work than a slurry coat and I’ve never seen anyone recommend that. The “re-brownstoning” entails chipping off the top layers of brownstone and a number of cement and colored “stone” coats…

    This will show you the steps in a more extensive job.


  4. sorry not enough detail. 4 story house – $14k included cornice work, washing, a slurry coat, broken details remade (really just the work over the entryway needs to be redone) and repainted. recommendations welcome and thanks!

  5. an’t tell whether $14k is too high or not since you didn’t really outline the scope of the work very well. What does the patching entail? Will they strip before they paint (they should)? 3,4 storey? Cornice?

    If it’s just a few patches here and there and throwing on another coat of paint then it is too high. Way too high.

  6. 14k seems way high to me. Try getting more estimates. Or you can call my contractor he specializes in facade & brownstone repair. Innovation Construction -718-666-7679