Has anyone installed an elevator in their brownstone? I’ve seen a few threads here on people inquiring about it, but no one reporting back on how it went – any advice on this would be greatly appreciated.

How hard is it? How expensive? What companies are good?

We have a six-story brownstone and have always considered the stairs “good exercise” but realize we could probably add a lot of value to the house if we decide to put an elevator in – we’re trying to find out if it’s worth it but we’re having a hard time finding anyone to ask about their experiences.


  1. Maybe as an alternative you could buy the Otis mansion in Clinton Hill which was built with one, and maybe two, elevators in place in the 1880s/90s. ; )

  2. LEV is by Thyssen/Krup. I have worked with them on larger elevators and while they do a very good installation be aware that one of their tricks is to use proprietary electronics that only they can service and they absolutely rob you on the service contract or repairs, triple what any reasonable company will charge. I would not use them without a guarantee that the entire elevator can be serviced by anyone. They are quite arrogant as well.

  3. A neigbor of mine put one in but I don’t know what it cost – they were doing extensive reno. A man I know has one of those elevettes – ‘stairs, who cares’ – a little fold-out chair that goes up the stair wall.

  4. The last time we bid on an elevator install (for a brick rowhouse)it was for a full gut reno – only the party walls were left and the new interior structure was all steel.

    The price for the elevator was approximately $120,000.

    You may want to contact Otis Elevator and ask them for residential elevator installers in the New York area to get current pricing.
