Has anyone ever worked with Stewart Roofing? They are doing my neighbor’s roof, and they approached us with an offer to seal and coat our flat roof with a 5 year guarantee for $850 if we do it today (since they are here already). Does anyone have any experience with them? And also is that a good price for this type of maintenance roof job? Frankly, I’m not even sure if we need it right now, but I suppose it would give us peace of mind that we won’t need to worry about our roof for the next 5 years. Any advice/feedback today would be much appreciated! Also would welcome tips about what we should make sure they do as part of this job, and any preference on materials, should we go ahead.


  1. Just coating $850.00 little bit expensive but with the warranty thats ok.you have to be clear about warranty for what roof or coating?Who ever give warranty the job they do for you not for somthing else.he is not doing roofing he is doing coating for you.within 5 years of warranty you may have another coating free not roofing.

  2. Anyone offering a “today only” price for a roof painting job is a scam artist. Piece of mind doesn’t come from the end of a roller brush.

  3. I’d be wary of anyone who gives you a today only price, especially when you never knew you had a problem, you haven’t gotten other bids, etc. Sounds like they are going to throw some goop down, paint the roof.

    Don’t do it.