Does anyone have an estimated cost for replacing a sidewalk in front of a brownstone? (we have to replace basically all the bluestone in front, a typical 20′ wide bldg). We got one estimate and it seemed really high. Also, anybody whose done this work have reccs for a contractor whose reasonable and does good quality work? Thanks!


  1. @Petebklyn do you have a photo of yours? we had a quote to do a small front yard area in BrooklynHeights and decided was way outside the budget we had in mind.

  2. Someone told me that a concrete sidewalk should run about 500 per “flag”. so for a 20 foot run, that would be 4 flags, so $2,000. If you two rows of flags, $4000. I am not sure if that price would include the permit.


  3. you trying to replace with concrete or with bluestone?
    my contractor did my sidewalk quite few years ago with concrete – tinted to be close to bluestone color but don’t remember cost (besides was quite a few years ago).
    But still looks great – his # is 646-523-7155 -Shahab Udin
    Can ask if he does real bluestone , I’m not sure.