Under Stoop Storage
The storage space under our stoop is very damp and musty… anyone have solutions to this problem? It would be great to have this space be more useful…
The storage space under our stoop is very damp and musty… anyone have solutions to this problem? It would be great to have this space be more useful…
Our stoop isn’t brownstone. Just regular cement.
Try to get anestimate from M.Hamid Construction Co.(718)633-1500.
It depends on how much they have to break off that’s too compromised. Try Park Slope Brownstone – 718 735 6725
Sorry for the ignorant question, but what is a mortar skim coat underneath? You skim coat the entire area, or just the mortar, and you use mortar to do it?
Also, anyone have a ballpark for how much it costs to do the top of the stoop and underneath as well?
I did get a quote once from a guy who did my next door neighbor’s. He said $2,000. Sounded high to me. If I’m not mistaken, the neighbor now has a hole in his stoop one year later. Will have to double check that.
“our real problem is the stoop, itself. There are leaks in the stairs. Refurbishing the stoop would solve the problem”
That, along with the sort of “mortar skim coat” on the underside that DIBS mentioned, also worked for us. It’s been over 10n years and the storage area is still dry and usable.
We have a front vent down at almost sidewalk level (our stoop has a right angle turn) and a space above the door that acts as a high vent. We also tiled the floor to prevent dampness coming up. It works, even though we notice that the steps let moisture seep in.
Some of our neighbors have stoops that have been fully or partially filled in with soil. I have no idea when or why it was done but inevitably they have problems with the stones shifting and need to have the stoop rebuilt.
Maybe spread a little Damp Rid to help with the dampness. Get it at home depot or hardware store. It helped with the dampness under my stoop and the basement immensely.
Have the steps repaired on the outside and then do a mortar skim coat underneath all of it.
We have this same problem. It’s a combination of leaks and no ventilation. We patched the cracks on our stoop, but it didn’t work at all. Does anyone know: Is this because you can’t patch cement, it has to be done all at once? Why? Thanks.