Any coop or condo folks out there with experience dealing with the laundry people in their building? Our contract expires soon and we’re looking for a couple of competetive bids.. About 100 apts in the building, laundry room needs to have about 5 machines…


  1. Whoever you get, make sure you do not sign an “evergreen contract”. Evergreen contracts are very popular with laundry companies, they provide for automatic renewal with a price increase if the co-op doesn’t cancel in writing by a specific date, typically you get a thirty day window every few years to cancel the contract. Don’t do it. Make sure that when the contract expires, you either have to sign a renewal or it goes month to month. You do not want to lock yourself in for too long. The NYC real estate market is dynamic and it is possible that within a few years all your shareholders will be demanding washer/dryer hookups so that they are able to compete with new construction when they go to sell their apartments. A lot of laundry contracts restrict the ability of the coop to allow washers and dryers in individual apartments.

  2. we have Savon. They are decent in terms of machine upkeep and overall operation but always late with their payments to us. I wouldn’t recommend them.