I just attended a block association meeting where the residents are interested in putting planters out along the sidewalk. Does anyone know if any kind of permission is required for this? Plus, does anyone have any experience of doing this – positive or negative.


  1. Echoing the same advice that’s already been posted here, you are supposed to have permission from DOT, and possibly even from the Public Design Commission. That said, nothing bad will happen if you just put the planters there yourself and start maintaining them without any permits.

  2. Nevertheless we’ve had hundreds of planters out for many years w/o permıts. IIRC we’we even had recognıtıon from the BP’s offıce and, I thınk, occasıonal small Cıty grants for our flower barrel projects. Of course Ä°’m talkıng about portable planters; not anythıng permanently attached to the sıdewalks.

  3. You will need permits 100%.

    Go down to 16 Court Street 16 floor to DOT boro commissioner’s office together with your block association recommendation and they will be glad to help you. Revocable consents are time consuming and you may be required to get that as well.

  4. A lot of moving parts to your question (DOT, NYC Parks, PlaNYC Green Streets, more), especially depending on where you live. A good starting point for information and direction would be Friends of Duane Park’s “Trees for Tribeca” project: http://bit.ly/jWXpNQ

  5. FWIW the Lefferts Manor Association has been planting containers on sidewalks outside of houses in our section of PLG for about 30 years. Initially we bought half whiskey barrel planters in quantity and sold them at cost, but now we just provide some of the flowers.

  6. Hello, yes you will need to obtain a permit from Department of Transportations “Revolcable Consents Unit” it’s a time comsuming process!!

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