So – finally we got our permit and work will start Monday in a week, but we had serveral issues with TR1 before. The initial TR1 the testing company prepared didn’t address all items on the B-Scan list. The GC went to DOB just to be told it is incomplete. Who in general is responsible…
So – finally we got our permit and work will start Monday in a week, but we had serveral issues with TR1 before.
The initial TR1 the testing company prepared didn’t address all items on the B-Scan list. The GC went to DOB just to be told it is incomplete.
Who in general is responsible for making sure the TR1 covers everything? In our case the architect blames GC, but architect coordinated with external testing.
Further the B-Scan list had a test that was not applicable and the expediter needed to get it waived. Shouldn’t the expediter take care of this before sending the GC to pulling permit? The issue was obvious since the initial filing from the initial B-Scan list….
Lastly all these tests will be done via an external testing company. Looking at other filing I see architects handling this part by themselves. We were told regulation changed and it needs to be done via 3rd party. Correct?
If I only would have known of the B-Scan list before. I could have coordianted this better myself….
Just because you did not ask questions before agreeing on your proposal with your architet does not make the architect or expeDiter a moron. Did you ask what it entails and did you get an estimate ?
Just because you did not ask questions before agreeing on your proposal with your architet does not make the architect or expeDiter a moron. Did you ask what it entails and did you get an estimate ?
Inspections have nothing to do with which code the job is filed under. The DOB is constantly revising their forms and filing requirements.
The progress inspections are coming from the 3rd party testing company as well. Originally I didn’t even know that an RA can handle this as well.
Confused about the code date. The Alt1 is done via 1968 code, but re inspections 2008 (or later) rules seem to apply.
Guess what! The code requires the OWNER to retain the special inspection agency. I don’t know if you bought progress inspections, a different type of isnpection also listed on the TR1, from your architect. As an architect, I am always telling owners about these requirements and helping them meet them.
You and your architect need to sort this out. The contractor is OUT of the loop on this one under 2008 code.