Hi, Our house is next to an empty lot that has no drainage and slopes toward our house. When it rains there are large pools of standing water sitting up against the right side of our house and seeping into our ground floor wall and basement. We have spoken w/the owner of the lot and…
Hi, Our house is next to an empty lot that has no drainage and slopes toward our house. When it rains there are large pools of standing water sitting up against the right side of our house and seeping into our ground floor wall and basement. We have spoken w/the owner of the lot and he says that we are welcome to do whatever work we feel is necessary, but he will not pay for anything. I got this recommendation, “Whatever waterproofing that is applied to your foundation wall should go down approx. six or seven feet- really should be to the floor of the basement. In addition , the waterproofing material needs to be “protected†with a “protection board†to prevent debris from piercing through the waterproofing material. Then a drainage mat should be applied over the protection board to relieve any hydrostatic build up against the foundation wall. A perforated pipe should be placed at the bottom of the trench to carry all the water away from your foundation.” Does anyone have experience with this? Suggestions on who to hire and approx cost? (length of wall is about 40′)
I have experience in both directions.
I helped a building with the exact same problem. It is actually their problem not yours. But you have to make an official request noting the existing condition and citing the code. That’s what the property management company did by hiring me as expert witness.
For your question about waterproofing; you defined a perfect below grade waterproofing system. The rest is identifying the right products and securing a warranty.
If you need help, I am available.
Great advice! Thanks so much. Any thoughts on where I could find regulations re water shedding onto neighbors property? Thanks
You got pretty good advice. I would first see if you can grade the lot away from your house. Either way, you should waterproof, and providing a drainage plane as was suggested next to the wall with a french drain at bottom is a good idea. I would watch out about digging up a trench next to your house in one shot though — better to do it in sections so that the wall doesn’t collapse.
Digout down to the footing level of foundation wall.clean wall with power wash.necessary repair wall.there is defferent kind of materials to protect.france drai also can be added.after finish all make sure make the lot slpo down to oposite of the building.you may get estimate from M.Hamid Construction Co.(718)633-1500.
Yeah, first I’d grade away from your building. Then the easiest fix would be a french drain across his property – dug below foundation line of your building. Someone here might be able to suggest a way for you to coerce him into paying for the work.
Jeez – Seems like an awful lot of work for a problem created by someone else. I would first be expending resources into compelling the owner of the lot to address the grading issue. I beleive there are regs on the books as to water shedding from someone elses property causing damage to yours.