I found a few mold spots on the wall in the basement (a couple of isolated spots only). Can’t really tell where it’s coming from. Is this normal or something to worry about? Any suggestions on how to fix? The building is from 1900 (small coop). Thanks!


  1. if it’s on drywall you can’t clean it off because drywall is porous and the mold is not just on the surface. The drywall needs to be replaced. replacing drywall is not difficult or expensive in the scheme of building maintenance. however, it might make sense to leave it open, depending on what the space is like since if a small amount of water leaks in from time to time, it will continue to wet the drywall and get moldy. it will also be easier to monitor the water coming in if you can see the foundation wall.

  2. probably nothing to worry about, though if it is mold you should keep an eye on it as an indication of moisture coming in, which if it’s getting worse, could be something you need to take care of. For example, if there’s a leak, finding the leak or if not, increasing the slope of the ground away from the house in that area, cleaning gutters, etc.

    Also, if it’s white rather than black mildew, it could be just the salts left behind when moisture comes through masonry, which are harmless, though of course you want to keep an eye on the water situation. If it’s mold, just remove it with some bleachy water or even just a wet sponge or rag if it’s a small area and not located on drywall.