How to Value Your FAR
Does anybody know if there is a patent formula to figure out what your available FAR is worth?...
Does anybody know if there is a patent formula to figure out what your available FAR is worth?...
A developer next door to me wants to buy about 500 sq. ft. of an available 2000 or so sq. ft. of air...
Has anyone had their 421a tax abatement application (filed July 2007) rejected from HPD? I was told...
My second floor tenants are renting out one of their three bedrooms. I found this out because a you...
I live across from a private school that has 5-6 foot concrete and wrought iron walls/fences. Recen...
I had a 421(a) tax abatement application filed in July 2007, an amendment (correction) was made in D...
Has anyone experienced resistance with their banks in trying to refinance their current mortgages? F...
I woke this morning to find four garabge bags on my sidewalk put there by an over zealous tenant 12 ...
Is there a consensus on how much housing prices have declined in last year in Brooklyn?...
Does anyone know the formula the city uses to determine the fair market value of your house? Ha...