

So – finally we got our permit and work will start Monday in a week, but we had serveral issues with TR1 before. The initial TR1 the testing company prepared didn’t address all items on the B-Scan list. The GC went to DOB just to be told it is incomplete. Who in general is responsible…

We are in the final stretch to prepare all documents to get permits for our Alt-1 townhouse renovation. Plans were approved in Feb 2011. Now our architect wants 4.5k extra for TR-8 sign-off during constructions. How do other architects handle this? Do you do the sign-off yourself or use 3rd party services? How much do…

looking for an architect to draft plans for a 2-car garage + driveway (for a standalone house), as well as do all the adminstrative work – surveying, permits, etc. MUST have experience doing garages…please let me know if there are any recos.