
Hello, I’m having a heck of a time finding code or forum posts that would answer my question. I have a cellar, with one egress, which I want to use as an office, workshop, have band practice, and maybe keep a fridge. The boiler is behind closed doors down a long hallway, and no part…

I’m not sure I can explain this well but I will try – yesterday after the rainstorm we had water in the basement, we’d had a few minor wet spots in this area before but nothing like this – puddles of muddy water. The previous owner finished the basement of our woodframe house, but he…

Hi, We’re house hunting; currently considering a house with a basement that is level with the backyard, at the back. My hope is that we could finish the bsement and use it for living space. The first issue I see is that we’d need to move the mechanicals – anyone know how difficult that is?…

Hi, I want to cover concrete floor in to be finished basement. The slab us very old and not very even but there are no issues with water. My wifee wants something which looks like wood. I am thinking to by tileflex tiles with faux wood finish. They will not rot, keep warm and hopefully…