Hi, We’re very actively house hunting, and may have a place we want inspected by an engineer. Can anyone tell me what we could expect to pay for that? And then, recommendations? I’d like someone who might be interested in thinking through possible changes -eg if we walk around and they tell me a) is…
I have worked with Al Fierstein at Acoustilog, and recommend him. His office's contact info is: af1@acoustilog.com (212) 925-1365 Hope this proves helpful, Kyle Page, AIA, LEED AP Sundial Studios Architecture & Design, PLLC
looking for acoustical engineerThere are lots of MEP engineers out there, and most of them have this expertise in house. However, I haven't had to deal with a sprinkle issue for several years, so I don't know who might work for your needs. Here are some recommendations: A good, small MEP shop: AtoZ Engineers: Ilya Malyuchenko: (212) 929-2491 A bigger shop, also v. good: Guth-DeConzo: John Guth or Matt DeConzo: 212-967-4306 Good luck
Sprinkler engineerUsually not apart of public record.
Are Engineer Reports Part of the Public Record?What kind of engineer? What are you looking to have done?
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