
We’re getting some seepage through our foundation. It’s not a large area, but we want to nip it in the bud. Can anyone recommend a good reliable waterproofing company? Thanks.

The house next to us is flooding ours- not sure of the cause yet. Burst pipe possibly. (it’s unoccupied). we have 2 subpumps going- what else do we do? Anyone have a suggestion for a cleanup service or any other thoughts?

does anyone have any experience with pouring a concrete foundation (for a brownstone extension) in winter (around early january)? is this absolutely a bad idea, or is it ok? thanks!

I have a standard brownstone cellar surrounded by an irregular stone foundation held together with mortar. The prior owner painted the walls with white paint so the basement looked very solid when we purchased. Over the past 5 years, the paint has started to peel off and loose sand has been coming out of the…