Hi Readers, I’m researching The Battle of Brooklyn for my Masters of Exhibition Design graduate thesis project and am looking to learn people’s knowledge and expectations on the topic to help guide my exhibit themes. I’ve attached a quick 10 question survey, any help is appreciated and will guide my exhibit to more accurately portray…
It is under the HPD website not under DPB. It is called I-cards which is retreivable under the registration and violation history page.
Building History ResearchMost of this information is available online. You can also visit the precinct for more.
Crime Within 71st precinct, Late 1980s-early 2000sThere was a lot of coping going on in those days and the same thing happens today... Amzi Hill and I. D. Reynolds have styles that are so similar that even I can't tell them apart. When you go to suburbia you see similar looking homes all over America. I am sure if you look in the city you can find a C.P.H. Gilbert looking house by someone else on the UWS or UES. I think Montgomery Place was a model block as a standard of good living.
Model Homes on Montgomery? (Calling on Montrose)Park Sloper, IMO best coffee table book, (besides coffee table book about coffee tables by Cosmo Kramer) Bricks and Brownstone by Charles Lockwood. IMO best pics book: Faces in Stone by Robert Arthur King.
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