
Hi All, Before the weather warms up, I want to get an energy audit for our house so we can do some insulation improvements before the beginning of the next heating season. NYSERDA offers a reduced cost assessment but you must choose from their long list of Kings Co. approved contractors to perform the work….

My townhouse back wall (south facing) in the kitchen is very cold. I’m looking for a way to airseal and insulate in the wall between the brick and the wall, without pulling out my whole kitchen. Has anyone tried expandable foam behind existing walls to fill and airseal the space?

Hi brownstoners, Our small mud room in the rear of the house is absolutely freezing with major drafts coming in to the house to the point that the first floor is almost unlivable in this weather. We took the room down to the studs in November, threw some R-13 insulation and sheet rock up and…