
Hello All, I have a 2o’x25′ brick building with years of paint on it. I used peel away 1 and stripped a 4’x4′ section. The brick underneath looks great. Before I strip the rest I was wondering if anyone has had this done and/or can you provide a recommendation and ballpark cost. I would love…

Unfortunately half our living space in our home is really a basement with stone walls. We have taken out most of the drywall (in order to get to termite damage) and are wondering what is the best way to coat the stone walls in order to make a livable space while also allowing the stone…

The storage space under our stoop is very damp and musty… anyone have solutions to this problem? It would be great to have this space be more useful…

Hi, Last winter really took a toll on my brownstone stoop, and it’s time to get it fixed. I see alot of work done on stoops that involves applying cement to the brownstone. This does not sound right to me. the stone has to breathe, and if it doesn’t, it will separate from the cement…