I have a row house that needs plastering that includes hairline cracks, cracks in the cove moulding, the scratch coat has become separated from the lath, and other general problem. I am looking for a good plaster. Can anyone recommend a good plasterer?
When we had our house re-wired the electrician, who had been trained in Europe, made lots of holes in the plaster but completely avoided doing any damage to the molding. However we didn't replace ALL the old wiring and, specifically, didn't replace the old round boxes threaded onto unused gas lighting pipes (which would, I think, have damaged the medallions). This was back in the early '70s, but I don't think that's especially relevant (except that it MIGHT be harder now to find electricians who respect historic detail).
Electrician damage to moldingsGreat post! THanks for sharing. And yes, I am laughing, but in a good way...
Restoring/Reproducing Ornamental Plaster and Medallionswe just paid $250 to have someone repair a small bathroom ceiling with large holes from a plumbing leak. we had one quote for $2750.... maybe he was going to pave the walls in gold.
Plastering Bathroom CeilingUse joint compound. it's the easiest to sand down.
Paint Over Plaster — How?