Like in many Brownstones, me and my roommates rent the top two floors while the landlord and his family live downstairs. While there are multiple entrances, there is no locked barrier between their home and our hallways, landings and kitchen. Upon requesting that they respect our privacy and peace by notifying us before entry and…
I think your current rate is reasonable & feel quite certain you could get more. I stay under market rate because it's not full service & want a more relaxed tenant/LL relationship - you might feel the same way but your current rent is reasonable.
Checking in With the Rental Marketyes. with a deadline.
Tenant Renewal Questionrental insurance is quite different than homeowners. all but one of my LL's required renters insurance. as far as contents, i wouldn't really care as long as they can replace their work clothes in order to pay the rent. the landlord who did require it (late 90's) stipulated a min $500k of liability. that seemed pretty strict, but still not completely unreasonable (it was a newly reno'd building as well, in the crazy time of showing up with broker and checkbook in rental-mania). something to keep in mind, at that time state farm was the only one i knew that had $500k as standard, otherwise everyone else had to purchase an umbrella (which probably turned some people off). Don't know how the limits have changed since then at the majors or not.
Renter’s Insurance Requirement for RentalIf you have a standard Blumberg lease for NY, the cost of installation is your responsibility because you accepted the apartment in "as is" condition when you signed the lease. Also, any alterations made to the unit become the property of the LL. You lost your chance to have the LL pay for it by not asking for the dead bolt installation before you signed with both parties agreeing, in writing, to having the lock added. I don't disagree with you that it should be standard but you signed away any right to have your LL cover the cost. If I were in your shoes, I would ask the LL to split the difference since the lock will stay with the apartment whenever you move out and the average tenant will want the added peace of mind.
Deadbolt Lock Installation: Who Pays?