
All our windows have interior pocket shutters — glued into the wall. But when I removed them only the outside panel was there — the two interior ones that should fold out had been removed by a previous owner. Apart from Eddie’s Salvage, any thoughts on where I might find some? I guess there’s no…

We have a mansard roof with a cornice on it in Chicago. This is a 6-flat building on a very narrow lot in the city. Pictures are here: The issue we are having is with rain water running off of the roof, down the front of the building, pooling at the ground, and seeping…

hi everyone, I might be the “lucky” person who gets to restore 859 Saint Marks Avenue. I am having second thoughts, though. Our offer was accepted, but the engineer’s report was about as bad as one could expect. The needed repairs greatly exceed the value of the house – by many hundreds of thousands. The…

The original tub is still in the house we bought. All the hardware is damaged but the tub is still in beautiful condition. There’s some minor dings and some minor water damage in the interior. What is the best way to restore this tub. I want to do it the best way I can do…