We have a mansard roof with a cornice on it in Chicago. This is a 6-flat building on a very narrow lot in the city. Pictures are here: http://east-village.posterous.com/east-village-building The issue we are having is with rain water running off of the roof, down the front of the building, pooling at the ground, and seeping…
Looks great. We are about to install Lincrusta in our vestibule. Do you have any recommendations for the installation?
Anaglypta WallpaperWithout providing a photo, you have a better chance catching a flying cow at a bingo game.
1875 Bannister For SalePlease take a look at our website: www.thetinkerswagon.com Steve
Front Door RestorationYes, you need a gutter. They prevent water from running down the side of the building.
Help with Cornice / Mansard Roof