
I have read the threads about sidewalk repair from late last year but am looking for updates. Our insurer wants the sidewalk fixed on our single family home. – is it better to go with the city to repair? If so, what kind of bill can we expect? – any recs on contractors? Thank you

Hi, I just moved to Carroll Gardens. I have been searching online (incl this site) for the closest parking garage but am coming up pretty empty in the surrounding areas… Does anybody have any ideas? Any/all suggestions would be appreciated 🙂

This week Con Ed re-poured 3 squares of cement on the sidewalk which they had torn up in front of my house in the course of some work. Con Ed’s contractor did that unannounced and left a wooden bridge over the fresh cement. Unfortunately, after they left, vandals left sneaker prints over all 3 squares…

I want to add a curb cut to my side lot. Read the regulations, and it looks like aside from the survey you can do the plans and permit yourself. My architect wants $3k, which seems too high by a factor of five or six, considering it doesn’t include the survey or actual work. Is…