Two questions: Our basement is very wet. Swimming pool whenever it rains. I think the problem is coming from the neighbors on both sides, but I am not certain. Who can we call who could take a look and say for sure? Second, the only ventilation in our cockloft is the bathroom air shaft. I…
a general contractor could be the first choice to call.You may call M.Hamid Construction Co.718-633-1500.
IDing Leak SourceUntil you can rectify the leakage problem why don't you install a sump pump in the pit. You need to keep the suction area clean but otherwise they are cheap and easy to install.
Waterproofing BasementJeez - Seems like an awful lot of work for a problem created by someone else. I would first be expending resources into compelling the owner of the lot to address the grading issue. I beleive there are regs on the books as to water shedding from someone elses property causing damage to yours.
WaterproofingAssuming that the fix would cost less than $2,000, and your assessment that he is unlikely to fix it any time soon, I would speak to a real estate lawyer about liability risk to you if you fix the downspout yourself and how to best do that in order to minimize risk to yourself. You would probably need to fix it correctly, not just divert the water back over to his property, which if it caused damage, could lead to him suing you. Given how much damage this could continue causing to your property, I'd just fix it myself even if there was a low chance of his paying you back.
Neighbor’s Leaky Gutter