
Hi, Our house is next to an empty lot that has no drainage and slopes toward our house. When it rains there are large pools of standing water sitting up against the right side of our house and seeping into our ground floor wall and basement. We have spoken w/the owner of the lot and…

Two questions: Our basement is very wet. Swimming pool whenever it rains. I think the problem is coming from the neighbors on both sides, but I am not certain. Who can we call who could take a look and say for sure? Second, the only ventilation in our cockloft is the bathroom air shaft. I…

I own a unit on the top floor in a co-op and I’ve had issues with the leaking roof for the entire 7 years I’ve owned it. They’ve done several patch jobs but the problem remains and gets persistently worse with each heavy rain storm. Part of my ceiling has collapsed (twice!) once in the…

We are going to fix up our front patio area, and are considering putting in a bed for plants. We’re wondering of anyone has thoughts about whether that’s a good thing or a bad thing from a drainage pov.(we’ve had issues with water in the front of our basement) Does all that dirt soak up…